The Neck is the bridge between the brain & the body. At a closer look, we will see that the neck is wrapped spirally with musculature, mostly on the sides and the back. Our neck harbors thick Nerve Bundles that help control the rest of our body. Majority of Neck Issues are due to a Compression of these Nerve Bundles by the Muscular Structures wrapping the neck. In this course, we aim to keep it simple and to the point. We will only cover the most relevant components of this joint complex, the ones that are responsible for the majority of movement quality. There is a portion of cases where Neck pain is due to tissue damage on the structures themselves (bone, muscles, tendons, ligaments and cartilage). In these cases, there is a period of inflammation and tissue healing that needs to be respected immediately after an acute injury. Following the period of inflammation, providing the injured area with neuromuscular stimulus (ALiGN reposition) has been shown to speed up recovery.
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